Thursday, July 11, 2013

Regimental therapy (Ilaj-bil-Tadbir)

Regimental therapy is special technique/physical methods of treatment to improve the constitution of body by removing waste materials and improving the defense mechanism of the body and protect health. In other words these are the best known “detoxification methods”.
Important techniques in regimental therapy along with the ailments for which they are considered effective are briefly described below:
(a) Venesection (Fasd): This method of treatment has been found very effective for:
  • Correction of blood related problems and relieve high blood pressure.
  • Prevention of toxicity and accumulation of waste matter in the blood.
  • Excretion of waste matters from various parts of the body.
  • Stimulation of metabolic processes.
  • Cure of ailments due to certain menstrual disorders.
  • Correction of hot material in temperament.
(b) Cupping (Al-hijama): This method of treatment is used for:

  • Cleaning the skin of waste matters.
  • To stop excessive menses or epistaxis.
  • To correct liver diseases.
  • To treat malaria and spleen disorders.
  • To treat piles, inflammation of testes and uterus, scabies, boils etc.
(c) Sweating (Tareeq) : Waste matter from skin, blood and from other parts of the body is excreted through the normal process of sweating. It helps in reducing excessive heat. Dry or wet fomentation, bath with warm water, massage and keeping the patient in a room having hot air are some of the methods of diaphoresis.
(d) Diuresis (Idrar-e- baul): Poisonous matters, waste products and the excess of humours is excreted through urine. It is applied as a cure for diseases of the heart, liver and lungs. Sometimes diuresis is effected by keeping the patient in a cold room and applying cold water.

(e) Turkish bath (Hamam): This is recommended for:
  • Resolving the waste matter and increasing sweating
  • Providing light heat
  • Increasing nutrition
  • Decreasing fat
  • Increasing fat
Cold bath is preferable in normal health. Hot bath is generally applied for the cure of diseases like paralysis and muscular wasting etc., after massage.
(f) Massage (Dalk, Malish): soft massage is sedative and relaxant; dry and hard massage is deobstruent and increases the blood supply while the massage with oil relaxes the muscles and softens the skin.
(g) Counter irritation: This technique provides relief in pain, burning sensation and irritation. It helps to reduce inflammation and heals tumors.
(h) Cauterization (Amal-e-Kae): it prevents the poison malignancy of one organ from transferring it to other organs. In case of pain of hip joint, this technique is found very useful. By this technique the pathogenic matters, which are attached to some structures, are removed or resolved.
(i) Purging (Ishal): Unani medicine widely uses purgatives for intestinal evacuation. There are written rules for using this method. This method influences normal metabolic process.
(j) Vomiting (Qai): Emetics are used to cure headache, migraine, tonsillitis, bronchopneumonia and also bronchial asthma. This also cures mental diseases like mania and melancholia.
(k) Exercise (Riyazat): physical exercise has great importance for maintenance of good health and for treating certain diseases. It is said to be good for stomach and for strengthening digestion. There are laid down rules, timings and conditions for various types of exercises.
(l) Leeching Taleeq-e-Alaq): This method is used for removing bad matter from the blood. This is useful in skin diseases and ringworms etc. The system describes specific conditions for applying it.

Unani Treatment Types

In Unani there are 4 types of treatment methods  
  • Regimental therapy
  • Dietotherapy
  • Pharmacotherapy
  • Surgery
Regimental therapy includes procedures such as venesection, cupping, Turkish bath, massage and exercise. These treatments involve working on specific body reflexes, most commonly with massaging. Dietotherapy involves controlling of specific diets or the regulation of quantity and quality of food consumed. Pharmacotherapy deals with the administration of drugs extracted from plants and mineral sources.

Scholars Who Were Contributed To Unani Medicine: Hippocrates

The Unani System of Medicine originated in Greece (Unan).Hippocrates ( 460 – 377 BC),the “ Father of Medicine” freed medicine from the realm of superstition and magic and gave it the status of science. The teachings of Hippocrates form the basis of the theoretical frame work of Unani Medicine. After Hippocrates, Jalinoos (Galen), Abu Baker Ibn-e- Zakaria Razi (Razer) and Ibn-e- Sina (Avicenna) enriched the Unani System into a complete, systematic form whereby it flourished into a Golden Era.

Brief History of Unani Medicine

Unani-tibb or Unani Medicine is a form of traditional medicine widely practiced by Muslims. It refers to a tradition of Graeco-Arabic medicine which is based on the teachings of Greek physician Hippocrates,and Roman physician Galen, and developed into an elaborate medical System by Arab and Persian physicians, such as Rhazes (Al-Razi), Avicenna (Ibn Sena), Al-Zahrawi, and Ibn Nafis.